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Commentary By Mark P. Mills

The Mobile Revolution Has Only Just Begun

Economics, Economics, Energy, Energy, Cities Regulatory Policy, Regulatory Policy, Technology, New York City

Finally, there's a number that says something useful about the mobile revolution. A newly released global survey finds that an average consumer puts an implied value of $6,000 on their smartphone. That single number explains all the other engineering-centric statistics that are thrown around about this domain, from the rapidity of adoption to megabytes of wireless bandwidth to exabytes of traffic and billions of connected people.

We can reasonably assume that the $6,000 represents much more than the value of talking. The same analysis—undertaken by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) which surveyed 7,500 people and 3,500 businesses in the U.S., Germany, South Korean, Brazil, China and India—found that small companies that were “mobile leaders” (defined by the intensity of mobile usage) saw 200% greater revenue growth and hired people at a rate 800% faster than “mobile laggards.”

Such remarkable numbers portend an emerging economic disruption as the mobile revolution rolls out. And for the same reasons, they present enormous political challenges for the businesses that are the progenitors of the revolution.

The value people put on the social and economic benefits from a new technology is what determines just how fast they will adopt it and what they will pay – and how quickly bureaucrats and regulators will invade. We've seen this story before. The radio itself—the real godfather of today's mobility, not the “phone” despite nomenclature confusion—went from one home in 500 in 1921 possessing such an expensive communications luxury, to one in 20 homes in just five years and then within that decade, nearly every home. By 1927 radio purchases accounted for one-third of all the money Americans spent on furniture. (Credit for these latter tidbits is due Bill Bryson's delightful One Summer, America 1927.)

With that early communications revolution, society changed, new business emerged, fortunes were made. (RCA's stock rose 10,000% during the decade of radio's emergence.) Radios, and the contemporaneous revolution of telephones, rapidly evolved from novelty and luxury to become networks essential to everyday life and commerce. And government intervened.

Congress enacted the far-reaching and heavy-handed Communications Act of 1934 specifically to harness the radio and land-line phone industry. In order to control the new technologies, the 1934 omnibus legislation put in place regulatory machinery—and nomenclature about things like affordability and universal access—that remained largely unchanged for six decades.

Fast forward to today: the debates over legislative and regulatory proposals in mobile broadband echo the 70-year-ago political trajectory for precisely the same reasons — the velocity and ubiquity of the tech revolution. And this time the revolution is both faster and bigger. America has gone from birth—the first true smartphone, Apple's 2007 iPhone—to 70% penetration in just a half-dozen years. And this time Americans spend 30% more on wireless than on all furnishings. (It bears noting that smartphone adoption has moved at more than 10x the rate of landline adoption a century ago.)

There's a trove of other remarkable, and in some cases ground-breaking data in the BCG survey and analysis that illuminates the stunning impact of the new mobile economy – not least of which is one question posed to consumers about what they would give up in order to keep their smartphone. Among the options included were dining out (70% would give that up in order to keep a smartphone), a vacation (40%), and sex (38%).

You can thank engineers and entrepreneurs for all of this. Not only have radios become cheap but they've collapsed in size while rising in capability. A trailer-pulled radio that weighed one ton in WWI is now a chipset weighing a fraction of an ounce buried inside a smartphone that can handle one million-fold more traffic than those first Marconis. The power to handle so much data traffic—equivalent in the physical world to simultaneously putting every vehicle in America on one highway—comes from the algorithmic logic embedded in the silicon radio.

Even so, the radio revolution—the wireless part—enables only one-half of the smartphone. The other half comes from the computing revolution that has followed a similar transformation in cost, size and power. It's not so much that a smartphone's compute power is itself so amazing—a single smartphone bests a room-sized 1979 IBM mainframe—but that the radio in ‘phone' allows ubiquitous and real-time access to the remote super-computing power of the web-scale cloud, and does so through a breathtakingly easy user interface called an App. Put simply – no radio, no apps.

Apps are an entirely new class of product that makes the smartphone phenomenologically different from and far more powerful than either a desk-tethered PC, or computer-free wireless phone. The $6,000 figure is effectively a measure of the value of apps to consumers. Another is the velocity of app purchases (even though most are ‘free'): apps went from zero to 60 billion downloads in the first four years, and according to the mobile analytics firm, Flurry, still saw nearly 80% growth last year alone.

Over a half-million specialized mobile apps are available across the entire pantheon of social, business and medical activities. The “app economy” has become, in short order, a $100 billion industry. While messaging and social media dominate app growth, a close number two with 150% growth last year are “utility and productivity” apps for everything in the interstices of our economy, and increasingly the big Kahuna, health and medical domains.

All this requires an enormous infrastructure. Here we find a cumulative investment of almost $2 trillion in the past four years alone, with another $4 trillion expected over the next half dozen. This scale of infrastructure spending puts mobile in the same league as global infrastructure spending on water, energy and transportation, but with one important difference (as BCG is properly eager to emphasize): it's almost entirely private sector capital.

And, in another important though far less sexy observation in the BCG analysis, we find the stat that some 320 companies in 43 countries have invested one million person-hours in developing standards for the latest 4G (high-speed) wireless networks. The mere word “standards” is yawn-inspiring; industry collaborations to establish standards that ensure the entire pantheon of components, systems, software and hardware can work seamlessly together. This is utterly essential not only for enabling a network, but also for rapid growth. And standards—easy “plug-and-play”—are precisely what allows entrepreneurs and small companies to jump into a market, offer new products or services, and ride the tsunami of global investment.

All the trillions of dollars in infrastructure, the billions of users and billions of apps in use are what's making the “big” in big data. And all the torrid growth and consumer value of an increasingly essential mobile network is precisely what attracts regulators like moths to a flame.

The critical lesson that may elude many bureaucrats and regulators eager to ensure “fairness,” or “neutrality,” or “full access” is that the mobile revolution, as exciting and big is it already is, has only just begun. From smart watches and other wearables, to the Internet of Things and body-centric networks (bio sensors that you will increasingly choose to wear or embed) to higher speeds, more compute power, more data, and more value. Indeed, the unfettered mobile revolution may be key to a revolution in health care. (For lucid exploration of this, I commend physician Eric Topol's new book, The Patient Will See You Now.) This is precisely the wrong time to decide by legislative fiat that the revolution is over.

There is far more value yet to emerge from the mobile revolution. And, unlike the earlier communications revolutions of the telephone and radio, which remained qualitatively unchanged for decades, the technological evolution of mobile remains in flux and is far more dynamic. We are the end of a beginning for mobile.

It is nearly impossible today to predict what comes next. Except that government is capable of stifling it. One can hope that reports like The Mobile Revolution from BCG will increase recognition of the importance of providing incentives for more of the same innovations, not more regulations.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes