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Commentary By Avik Roy

The Impressive New Obamacare Replace Plan From Republicans

One year ago, three Republican senators permanently changed the Obamacare debate by publishing Congress’ most credible plan yet to repeal and replace the health law. They called it the Patient Choice, Affordability, Responsibility, and Empowerment Act, or “Patient CARE.” Last night, they published a new and improved version of their proposal, one that continues to be a model GOP health-reform plan. It could have an impact on how the Supreme Court opines in its upcoming Obamacare case, King v. Burwell.

A plan authored by leading Republican lawmakers

The first version of the Patient CARE Act was co-authored by Senators Tom Coburn (Okla.), Richard Burr (N.C.), and Orrin Hatch (Utah). Coburn retired in December, and so Burr and Hatch added Rep. Fred Upton (R., Mich.), Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

“E&C,” as it’s called, is one of the two principal House committees on health care issues. (The other is Ways and Means, led by Paul Ryan, which has jurisdiction over tax policy.) Now that Republicans have retaken the Senate, Orrin Hatch is Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, another key health care body. Hence, the Patient CARE Act is not merely a plan put forth by random Republicans, but by key lawmakers who run two of the most important health care committees in Congress.

The key to Patient CARE: Means-tested insurance subsidies

The new version of the Patient CARE Act—which we’ll call Burr-Hatch-Upton to distinguish it from the old Coburn-Burr-Hatch plan—retains the same core features. “The first step toward achieving sustainable, affordable, patient-focused health care is to repeal” Obamacare, they write. The plan would replace Obamacare with a means-tested tax credit that individuals could use to buy a far broader range of insurance products, or deposit the funds in a health savings account.

The tax credits would also be available to those who today are on Medicaid, freeing them to purchase private health coverage with superior health outcomes. A critical feature of the Patient CARE Act is that these tax credits are means-tested. This is something that makes Burr-Hatch-Upton different from most Republican plans to replace Obamacare; more on this in a bit.

Under Patient CARE, people with income below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level would get a relatively larger subsidy vs. those above that level. Those with incomes between 200 and 300 percent of FPL would get a lesser subsidy on a sliding scale; those with incomes above 300 percent of FPL would be ineligible for subsidies. (In 2015, the Federal Poverty Level for a childless adult is $11,770; hence 200 percent of FPL is $23,540, and 300 percent is $35,310. For a family of four, FPL is about twice that of a childless adult: $24,250.) By comparison, under Obamacare, people with incomes under 400 percent of FPL are eligible for subsidies on a sliding scale.

The tax credits would be funded in a deficit-neutral fashion by reforming the tax exclusion for employer-sponsored insurance: the original sin of American health care. By repealing Obamacare, the plan would repeal Obamacare’s $1.2 trillion in tax hikes.

The plan would also repeal Obamacare’s individual mandate, but still guarantee that all Americans could obtain health coverage irrespective of pre-existing conditions. After a one-time transition period, individuals would need to maintain continuous health coverage to preserve that guarantee.

New wrinkles in Burr-Hatch-Upton

Ok, so what’s new about Burr-Hatch-Upton versus last year’s version, you ask? A few things.

A different model of employer insurance reform. The original Patient CARE Act reformed the tax break for employer-sponsored health coverage using a formula. The proposal set a threshold for the tax break that would be equivalent to “65 percent of an average plan’s cost” today, and then grow that threshold at an index tied to inflation: the Consumer Price Index plus 1 percent (CPI+1).

When Stephen Parente and his colleagues at the Center for Health and Economy modeled this proposal out, they found that it would increase federal tax revenue by $1.1 trillion over ten years. In Republican circles, it’s of course toxic to propose a $1.1 trillion tax hike.

So the new version of the GOP proposal uses a different formula, to ensure that Burr-Hatch-Upton doesn’t raise taxes. It caps the value of the employer tax exclusion at $12,000 for an individual and $30,000 for a family, a threshold that would also grow at CPI+1. This is a far higher threshold than the old plan—about $4,000 for a single policy and $11,000 for a family policy—and one that would largely leave employer-sponsored coverage intact.

By comparison, Obamacare’s “Cadillac tax”—which kicks in in 2018—applies a 40 percent excise tax to insurance plans with a value greater than $10,200 for an individual and $27,500 for a family.

Higher subsidies for the uninsured. The value of the tax credits, under Burr-Hatch-Upton, is 26 percent higher than under the older plan in nominal terms. For example, under the older plan, a 40-year-old making less than 200 percent of FPL would receive a tax credit worth $2,530. Under the new plan, the tax credit would be worth $3,190.

This is a significant change that should increase the number of people that Burr-Hatch-Upton covers relative to the old plan. Parente et al. scored the old plan as covering 3 million more people than Obamacare in 2020; the new plan is likely to exceed those totals.

Medicaid and Medicare reform. Unlike some other Obamacare replacement plans, Burr-Hatch-Upton does not neglect the most important aspect of health reform: tackling the bankrupt entitlements known as Medicaid and Medicare. Burr-Hatch-Coburn repeals Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion, allowing instead eligible individuals to use tax credits. Furthermore, the plan adapts a 2013 proposal from Upton and Hatch to convert the Medicaid program into a “per-capita cap”—a cousin of block grants first proposed by Bill Clinton.

Medical malpractice reform. “To combat junk lawsuits and reduce the practice of defensive medicine,” the Burr-Hatch-Upton proposal caps non-economic damages and limits attorney’s fees in medical liability cases. Coburn-Burr-Hatch, the older proposal, didn’t address this issue.

Price transparency. In order to foster consumer-driven health care, Burr-Hatch-Upton requires that hospitals accepting Medicare disclose the “average amount paid by uninsured and insured patients for the most common impatient and outpatient procedures,” among other things.

Interstate insurance purchasing. The plan would “remove federal barriers that currently make it harder for Americans to buy coverage across state lines,” a reform that could reduce health insurance costs by 9 percent.

Comparing Burr-Hatch-Upton to Transcending Obamacare

My own Obamacare replacement plan, Transcending Obamacare, shares important commonalities to the Patient CARE Act. Both use a system of means-tested tax credits, on a sliding scale, to help the uninsured gain health coverage. The top income threshold for subsidies under Burr-Hatch-Upton is 300 percent of FPL; under Transcending Obamacare, it’s 317 percent.

Both plans would reform the employer tax exclusion, while repealing Obamacare’s economically destructive tax hikes. Both plans would repeal the law’s individual mandate, and use a different regulatory system to guarantee coverage to those with pre-existing conditions.

Both plans would offer better health outcomes for the poor, by allowing those on Medicaid to obtain tax credits for the purchase of private health insurance and health savings accounts.

Most importantly, both plans would cover more people than Obamacare, because they would drive down the cost of health insurance for those who can’t afford it today.

The key difference is that Transcending Obamacare doesn’t require the full repeal of Obamacare to work. It functions as a repeal-and-replace plan, but also as a plan that repeals Obamacare’s worst features—its tax hikes, Medicaid expansion, and individual mandate—while deregulating the rest, so people can use Obamacare’s tax credits to buy Burr-Hatch-Upton style insurance products. The virtue in doing it this way is that you minimize the disruption to people who are on Obamacare-sponsored health insurance plans.

Means-testing vs. uniform tax credits

The central debate that is emerging in Republican circles is between those who support a means-tested approach to subsidizing health insurance, and those who support a uniform subsidy that is the same regardless of one’s income. This may seem like a technical and obscure debate, but it is critical to the future of Republican health reform.

Plans like Burr-Hatch-Upton and my own take into account the fact that we already massively subsidize health coverage for upper-income folks, through the employer tax exclusion and Medicare. They try to balance that out by offering comparable help to the uninsured, and limiting the tax break for high earners. It’s that approach that allows both plans to exceed Obamacare’s projections for the number of Americans with health insurance: Coburn-Burr-Hatch by 3 million in 2020, Transcending Obamacare by 9 million in 2020.

An alternative approach—embraced by groups like the 2017 Project—prefers a uniform tax credit that would be the same for the poor and the rich. The argument advanced by the 2017’ers is that a uniform tax credit avoids the problem of discouraging people from making more money, because their subsidy is the same regardless of income. The means-tested approach, they say, discourages work by gradually reducing the subsidy as income goes up. Furthermore, many conservatives are inherently hostile to the principle of income redistribution, and therefore have an intuitive aversion to means-tested subsidies.

To me, the uniform tax credit approach is highly problematic. As the table above shows, the 2017 Project proposal would slash health subsidies for people near the poverty line by more than $2,300 a year: real money for people in that income bracket. By contrast, the 2017’ers would offer a new $2,100 subsidy to people with six-figure incomes who don’t need the help. A plan that takes money away from the poor, and gives it to high earners, is not viable in a general Presidential election, and has no shot of getting through a Congress with fewer than 60 Republican senators.

More importantly, the uniform tax credit approach would leave millions of people without health insurance. In order to make the fiscal math work, the uniform tax credit has to be smaller so it can be distributed to a much broader population. This means that fewer low-income people would be able to afford health coverage. As a result, Stephen Parente has modeled the 2017 Project plan as covering 6 million fewer people than Obamacare.

Momentum for the King v. Burwell contingency plan

As I described last month, the new Supreme Court case King v. Burwell could substantially disrupt Obamacare in the near term, if the Court sides with the challengers. Leading Republican lawmakers are now regularly conferring on ways to respond to the Court’s decision.

The best way for Congress to respond is to say, “We’ll let affected states use tax credits to buy health insurance. But those states won’t have to do it the Obamacare way: they’ll be able to set up their own insurance markets in the way they see fit.” States would have the option to set up those tax credits for a means-tested, liberalized insurance market along the lines of Burr-Hatch-Upton or Transcending Obamacare.

You could even offer states the option of doing things the 2017 Project way, with a uniform tax credit. President Obama is far less likely to sign legislation that would include such an option, but Congress could tack it on and see what happens.

The key point, one that has gone underreported in the media: the impending Supreme Court decision has sharply focused the minds of Republicans in Congress onto coming up with a credible replacement to Obamacare. Republicans have been justly criticized for not coalescing around a plan. This may very well be the moment that forces their hand.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes