The Eighth Subway Murder This Year Shows NYC’s Public Safety in Deep Decline
On Friday, 15-year-old Jayjon Burnett, shot at point-blank range in the chest on the A train in Queens as he rode home from school, became the city’s third subway-murder victim in just two weeks and the eighth such victim this year. This preventable — and growing — death toll is not only horrific for the victims; it is horrific for the city’s health.
The three recent killings are an acceleration of the post-COVID trend. Since March 2020, 22 New Yorkers have been violently murdered on the subway (and a recent fatal knifing on a Bronx bus makes 23 on transit overall).
Through 2019, by contrast, it took nearly 13 years to accumulate 22 subway murders.
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Nicole Gelinas is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor at City Journal. Follow her on Twitter here.
This piece originally appeared in New York Post