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Commentary By Howard Husock

Tax Season Good News: The Growth of Donor-Advised Funds

The Obama Administration has consistently made clear, through its annual federal budget proposals, that it's willing, in the name of tax fairness, to countenance decline in the amount of money which Americans donate to charity. Yet even as the White House has pushed for a reduction in the value of the charitable deduction (from 39 to 28 cents on the dollar)—a change that could reduce charitable giving by up to $9 billion–Americans have signaled their continued enthusiasm for such giving, which, has nearly recovered fully from its decline following the 2008 financial crisis.

Among the major but under-appreciated reasons for such growth has been a sharp increase in the use of what was once an obscure means of charitable giving: the personal donor-advised fund. Historically a minor part of philanthropy, principally used to direct funds to local community foundations, which disbursed them at their discretion, personal donor-advised have taken off, increasing in number from 161,941 seven years ago to 217,367 today, and in disbursements to charitable organizations from $6.47 billion to $9.66 billion. Their growth is owed to a potent combination: 2007 IRS guidance and their being offered by some of the nation's largest personal financial service firms, including Fidelity, Vanguard and Schwab. At the same time, however, the “DAFs” have faced surprising criticism, at times, from tax reformers. Their concerns are misplaced.

Indeed, as I find in a new Manhattan Institute study, were it not for growth in giving from such accounts, charitable donations would have fallen further at a time when they were needed most, the 2008 financial crisis. What's more, they hold the potential to increase charitable giving overall. Indeed, as we are reminded this tax season of the complexity and distortions of the tax code and the need for its reform, personal donor-advised funds should be seen as a rare piece of good news.

At their most basic, a donor-advised fund can be seen as not much more than a convenience. Donors can make fund deposits—and no longer have to write individual checks to charities they want to support. The organization administering the fund will do so, at a donor's direction. But the potential for DAFs to increase charitable giving overall—and even serve as a counterweight to growing government—goes well beyond such convenience. DAFs offer incentives to increase the extent and value of charitable giving, overall. Donors can claim a tax deduction for a gift of cash (or appreciated stock, or the value of art work) for a year when their income and tax liability is high, and slowly parcel out donations in the years to come.

What's more, funds deposited in DAFs but not yet given to charity increase in value over time but that increase, like the original donated principal, can only be used for one purpose: charitable giving. The donor can never reclaim the funds. Currently, for instance, DAFs, according to the National Philanthropic Trust, have balances of more than $32 billion—a sum that I project may grow to $495 billion (in nominal dollars) by 2035. Indeed, if their growth continues at its current pace until that time, overall charitable giving in the U.S. will grow beyond its long-time ceiling of 2 percent of GDP by roughly twenty basis points—a change which would mean some $125 billion (in nominal dollars) in additional charitable giving. In effect, donor-advised funds are, in other words, serving as a new means for mass philanthropy, allowing affluent but not super-rich donors to set up what amount to their own small foundations, with limited administrative expense (less than 0.6% of assets).

The sharp growth in donor-advised funds has prompted criticism, chiefly from those concerned that payouts from the funds may drip out slowly over time—denying charities funds they may need at the time monies are first deposited. This perspective, although it's come from the liberal left, found a receptive audience in former Republican Ways and Means committee chair Dave Camp, whose 2014 comprehensive tax reform plan proposed to require DAF funds to be paid out within five years. Not only would such a requirement be a bookkeeping nightmare (increasing overhead costs) but ignores both the undisbursed DAF funds can be put to work only for charitable ends—and can serve as a counter-cyclical source of charitable support during lean times. Indeed, that's exactly what happened in 2008, when charitable giving from all sources except DAFs declined—while DAF payouts increased by nearly $1 billion. They even remained above their 2007 level in 2009.

What's more, the wave of new, individual DAFs is providing support for organizations in addition to those supported by local community foundations, which, since the 1930s, have administered charitable funds on behalf of individual donors. In my paper, I report that funds donated through Vanguard, Fidelity and Schwab accounts in three major U.S. metro areas—Chicago, Dallas and Denver—have been overwhelmingly been directed toward organizations that had not been supported by those cities' community foundations. The new donor-advised funds, in other words, complement, rather than compete with, established means of charitable giving. What's more, the major financial firms have taken steps to organize their DAF account holders to direct funds en masse in the wake of natural disasters and disease outbreaks—by recommending organizations judged best able to respond, for instance, to Superstorm Sandy and the Ebola outbreak.

The possibility exists, in other words, that this new vehicle for philanthropy can serve as a significant counter-weight—and complement– to government. Of course, that may be the real reason its critics are dismayed by its growth. But America has historically benefited from the imagination and unconventional approaches that philanthropy has supported—and donor-advised funds hold the potential to provide even more of both.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes