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Regulation's Stranglehold On Millennials' Futures

Economics, Economics, Energy Regulatory Policy, Regulatory Policy

Millennials are inheriting a bleak fiscal future. Not only is America $18 trillion in debt, but when future spending obligations on entitlements are compared with future tax obligations, the so-called fiscal gap is $205 trillion. This is 12 times GDP and 16 times official debt held by the public.

Paying off the federal fiscal gap would require an immediate increase of 57 percent in all federal taxes, or cuts of 37 percent in all federal spending except interest payments on the debt. Of course, no one is proposing this. Instead, the debt grows from year to year, gradually stifling productive investment.

How can we change Washington's direction in order to paint a brighter future for America's next generation?

Perhaps the easiest way to begin digging out of this debt is regulatory reform, which would spur substantial economic growth. America's regulatory state has expanded steadily since the 1970s. In 1975, the Code of Federal Regulations was 71,224 pages. By 2013, the number of pages had grown to more than 175,000. The sheer quantity of government red tape makes it impossible for ordinary Americans to know whether they are breaking the law while working to start or maintain a business.

Americans are moving from obeying laws passed by elected bodies to regulations promulgated by unelected bureaucrats. These pages of regulations contain over one million commands—a 30 percent increase in federal regulatory restrictions from 1997—most of which were promulgated outside Congress. In 2013, the number of regulations issued by agencies was 56 times the number of laws passed by Congress and signed by the president. Apparently gridlock does not slow down regulators.

Commands from Washington bureaucrats have real-world effects. It is impossible to calculate their full costs. Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise estimates the annual cost of regulatory compliance and lost economic growth at over $1.9 trillion, nearly $6,000 for every person living in the United States, but this is probably an underestimate.

As Michael Mandel and Diana Carew of the Progressive Policy Institute argue, steadily-increasing regulations impose “an unintended but significant cost to businesses and to economic growth.” A multitude of overlapping and outdated regulations create confusion for small business owners who lack armies of lawyers and cannot be sure that they are complying with the law.

Additionally, entrepreneurs are focused on bringing their ideas and skills to market, and want to use all their available, and often limited, resources to do so. Forcing potential or current small-business owners to spend time and money on regulatory compliance that they could use for expanding their businesses inflicts substantial costs on the overall economy.

Partly because of overbearing regulations that keep new entrant out, American businesses are getting older and less dynamic. While existing corporations must innovate to stay alive, they tend to shy away from the disruptive innovation that moves industries in whole new directions. Ian Hathaway and Robert Litan of the Brookings Institution have shown that in 1992, 23 percent of firms had existed for 16 years. By 2011, this percentage had increased to 34 percent.

Another reality of regulations is that the costs are eventually passed on to consumers. Taking just one example, the consequences of regulations that increase the cost of energy production will eventually show themselves in the form of higher electricity and utility bills for households.

Cutting back on government regulations that do little more than increase the size of bureaucracies and protect politically connected interests is a bipartisan priority. An overzealous regulatory state also slows economic growth. Putting in place sunset provisions (requirements that regulations fall off the books without explicit reauthorization by the legislature) is a sensible remedy that would rid America of many of its most pointless and harmful regulations. Currently, most regulations are set on autopilot—as with entitlement programs, they take on lives of their own.

Regulatory growth in the second half of the 20th century lowered economic growth by an average of 2 percent per year. This slow-down in growth accumulates over time. If the United States had kept its regulatory state at 1949 levels, GDP would now be about three and a half times higher, and every American would be about $130,000 richer. The World Bank, in a comparison of economic performance in nations around the world, reports that heavily regulated countries experience slower economic growth. Increased economic growth from regulatory reform would allow the government to collect more revenue to help balance the budget or pay down the debt, all without any increases in tax rates.

While the benefits of regulatory reform are widespread, the costs of burdensome regulations disproportionately affect those with low incomes. This means that most young people are bearing the weight of regulations, along with all other Americans who are living within limited means. Federal regulations cost six to eight times more as a share of earnings for low-income households compared with what high-income households pay.

This is one reason why there is a growing group of young “Ubertarians,” or millennials who see government regulation of the emerging sharing economy as nothing more than blatant attempts to protect entrenched interests and raise costs for consumers. When the negative effects of regulation are felt so close to home people are more likely to adopt a hands-off approach to regulation. Under this view, companies are held liable for bad behavior, but government cannot keep out new competitors or dictate how entrepreneurs must meet customers' needs.

Why are there a multitude of regulations that benefit a select few and increase costs for everyone else. Don't we live in a democracy? That's what we were taught in school.

One of the unfortunate consequences of democracy is that small, organized interest groups can persuade legislators to grant them benefits even if the rest of the population is stuck with the costs. This practice is unacceptable—especially when it keeps people out of work and holds back the economy.

Simply stated, with the right approach to regulatory reform, the United States can grow, at least partly, out of its fiscal problems. But it is impossible to right America's fiscal ship if Washington does not enact long-term reforms to entitlement programs to make them sustainable in the long run. With Social Security and Medicare projected to cost a combined 12 percent of GDP by 2035, up from 8 percent in 2013 and 6 percent in 2010, we cannot allow Washington to delay.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes