It’s the plot of almost every thriller you’ve ever seen: Some brave renegade uncovers a nefarious plot and sets out to expose it. But first he must outmaneuver the faceless conspiracy that’s trying to silence him—and might even threaten his life. Who is pulling the strings in this shadowy cabal? Why, it’s high officials in our own government! And they’ll stop at nothing to keep their dark secrets safe.
That’s pretty much the scenario that played out in the House Oversight Committee on July 26. The committee was investigating long-running allegations about “UAPs,” or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (you aren’t supposed to call them UFOs anymore—even though most people do). The hearing didn’t lack for drama: Former U.S. intelligence official David Grusch testified that, yes, the U.S. government is in possession of multiple UAPs. In fact, Grusch went on, we’ve collected “nonhuman biologics” from these crashed crafts, Americans have been injured by them, and our own government is trying to cover the whole thing up, sometimes violently.
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James B. Meigs is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a City Journal contributing editor, cohost of the How Do We Fix It? podcast, and the former editor of Popular Mechanics.
Photo by Jarvell Jardey/iStock