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Commentary By Howard Husock

Obama's SOTU Surprise: A Break For Charity

Cities, Economics Tax & Budget

What might well be called President Obama's State of the Union soak-the-rich tax proposal included a surprising exception: a significant increase in potential capital gains taxes on the sale of inherited assets would spare charitable giving from the effects of the proposed change. In this modest concession, the President, who has long sought to rein in the value of the charitable tax deduction, is, for the first time, demonstrating a willingness, even as he proposes to raise other taxes, to hold steady the favorable tax treatment of a key type of charitable giving—one which, in fact, appears to be of increasing importance in maintaining or increasing the level of U.S. charity overall.

The details are these. In proposing to change what the White House is calling the “trust fund loophole”, the Obama tax proposal would end the current practice of assigning a “stepped-up basis” to assets such as stocks which are inherited as part of an estate. In other words, if one inherited Apple stock that was purchased in 2003, when it cost some $6 a share, one might, under current law, sell it at today's roughly $110 per share price without being taxed on the increase in share value—as if, in other words, one had bought it oneself at $110. The President would end that “step-up”—with the notable exception of assets inherited by charitable organizations, which could sell the Apple shares without paying the capital gains tax on their increased value.

It's an important “carve-out” for reasons both practical and philosophical. Significantly, one of the fastest-growing means of charitable giving is particularly well-suited to managing inherited assets—not just stocks but art collections and other valuables on which capital gains might be owed. That vehicle for giving is called a donor-advised fund—an account into which cash or other assets can be moved and then dispersed, over time, only for charitable purposes. Notably, the numbers of such accounts have been sharply growing since they've been offered by some of the largest national financial firms which cater to personal investors: the charitable arms of Fidelity, Vanguard and Charles Schwab . It's a simple matter for such firms to move stock holdings from brokerage or retirement accounts to charitable accounts—which are all under the same roof. Since 2007, the number of individual donor-advised accounts at National Donor-Advised Funds, including those firms, has increased from 72,590 to 112,170, while the value of assets held in the accounts grew from $11.11 billion to $24.82 billion. Such growth helped keep charitable giving in the U.S. relatively constant in the U.S., even in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.

Any change in the capital gains treatment of assets transferred to donor-advised funds could sharply slow the growth of such accounts—and thus dampen overall charitable giving. Only charities, in other words, could continue to take advantage of the stepped-up basis rule on inherited assets subject to the federal estate tax. It's no wonder that Len Burman, director of the Tax Policy Center, observed that, “The president has locked up the philanthropic sector vote. Except, of course, that he isn't running again.”

Whatever its electoral consequences, the Obama “carve-out” is an important departure for the President. Since taking office, he has, for instance, consistently proposed to limit the value of the personal deduction for charitable giving to 28 percent of a donation's value —even as the top personal income tax rate as risen to 39 percent. It's a change—never enacted—that Arthur Brooks of the American Enterprise Institute has estimated would reduce personal charitable giving by fully $9 billion. (Total U.S. personal charitable giving stands at around $230 billion.) . For the first time, the President has proposed to maintain a tax incentive for charitable giving, even as he would increase other key tax rates on the wealthy—who are key charitable donors.

This is more than a technical point. In effect, Obama has previously asserted, at least implicitly, that government can make better use of funds that would otherwise be directed to charity. That's the logic of capping the charitable deduction—which, although it reduces taxes on those who itemize their returns, does not provide wealthy donors (nor any others) with any personal benefit. By redirecting to government funds that would otherwise be bound for charities, Obama has been acting on the assumption that government can spend those funds more effectively. By proposing, in contrast, to maintain the “stepped-up basis” rule for assets inherited by charitable non-profits, the White House has made a key concession: charities can make use of capital at least as well as Washington. Some of us, of course, think charities—which I like to think of as our national venture fund, investing in the unconventional and the imaginative—are, at the very least, a key complement to government, and, in many cases, a better alternative. In a modest but significant way, President Obama's State of the Union surprise shows he may agree.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes