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Commentary By Howard Husock

Obama Charity Tax Proposal: Hurting The Ones Who Love Him

Cities, Economics Tax & Budget

For the seventh consecutive year, President Obama has proposed to limit the value of the charitable tax deduction for those who give a disproportionate amount of charitable gifts: high-income donors. Once again, the President, in his budget, has asked Congress to limit the value of a deduction for a charitable gift made by high-income households to 28 percent —despite the fact that the top tax rate is 39.6 percent. The White House justifies its proposal, which would likely mean a multi-billion dollar reduction in charitable giving, on a familiar basis: equity. It would, says the Administration, “make the tax code more equitable because the value of the tax expenditures as a percentage of the deduction is proportional to one's bracket, so it is less valuable to those in the lower brackets.” Translation: the White House objects to the fact those who earn more get a bigger tax break for giving their money way that those who earn less.

Apart from the fact that this is a tax break for doing something for which one gets essentially nothing tangible in return—unlike, for instance, the tax break for home-ownership–, the Obama proposal overlooks some crucial facts about those generous high-income households he would target. Not only do they give a large chunk of all charitable gifts but they support causes which the President says he supports, as well. And many any of those donors and causes, what's more, are found in the very blue states that have voted for the President.

As I explain in this Manhattan Institute paper, Tax Reform and the Charitable Deduction: The Risk to Blue State Philanthropy, those who earn more than $200,000 contribute a large share of the $200-plus billion which individual households give to U.S. charities annually. As Williams College economist Jon Bakija has noted, “In 2009, only 2.6 percent of households had adjusted gross income above $200,000 but they accounted for 25.1 percent of all income, and their charitable deductions accounted for 29.5 percent of the aggregate value of charitable donations made by all households.” What's more, virtually all such households both give to charity and itemize their deduction. So they are in the cross-hairs of President's proposal.

Because the high-earners make such a large proportion of charitable gifts, imposing what amounts to a tax increase on such giving would, not surprisingly, reduce charity overall. Economist Arthur Brooks, who heads the American Enterprise Institute, has estimated that decline to be substantial: some $9.4 billion.

But the impact would not likely be felt evenly across the country. That's because the high-income donors who would be affected—in the unlikely event that the Obama proposal were to become law—are concentrated in a few states; indeed, in a few so-called blue states. Of the 4.5 million high-net-worth itemizers in the United States, 708,000 are in California; 386,000 are in New York; 240,000 are in New Jersey; 180,000 are in Pennsylvania; 167,000 are in Massachusetts; 132,000 are in Maryland; and roughly 100,000 each are in Michigan, Washington, and Connecticut. One thing these states have in common is this: Barack Obama carried all of them in the 2012 election.

Perhaps the President should get credit for courage in increasing taxes on wealthy households in his own electoral base. But charitable giving inevitably tends to focus, at least in significant part, on organizations close to home. That includes giving to one's alma mater, to be sure but it also means that giving goes to organizations close to home. For instance, one prominent New York City not-for-profit, the Central Park Conservancy—which raises funds to maintain the world-famous park—reports that 85 percent of its donations come from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Colleges and universities, museums, and hospitals almost certainly also rely very heavily on local contributions. Columbia University, for instance, finds that 58 percent of its donors come from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut; 42 percent of individual donors are from New York alone. So it is that a wide variety of tax-exempt institutions, even those with national recognition, should be considered at risk.

In other words, it's well worth noting that the Obama proposal would not just increase taxes on the wealthy—it would reduce giving to the causes they support. Here the plot thickens further. While lower-income taxpayers who don't much benefit from the charitable deduction make giving to religious organizations their top priority, affluent itemizers support the types of causes more associated with , well, political liberalism. The 2012 Bank of America / Indiana University Study of High Net Worth Philanthropy found high-net-worth household tended to support education (59.5 percent), health care (45.2 percent), and the economy (37.7 percent)—including organizations providing for the basic needs of the poor. Indeed, 79 percent of high net-worth charitable donors make donations to organizations that provide for “basic needs”. It all means that major universities, hospitals and food banks in New York and San Francisco would inevitably suffer.

No wonder that, in response to the Obama charitable giving tax cap proposal, Vikki Spruill, president of the Council of Foundations, told the Chronicle of Philanthropy, that it “would cost our most vulnerable communities the most.”

One must assume that the Obama White House has either not taken the impact of its proposal into account—or that it thinks that government can do a better job addressing the needs of the poor than can private charity. Either way, one can certainly see why a Republican Congress—like its Democratic predecessors in the Obama era—is not going to go along with the President's plan.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes