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Commentary By Michael Hartney, Max Eden

Notable & Quotable: Misconceptions on Critical Race Theory

Culture Critical Race Theory

‘The largest source of public confusion is the mistaken belief that CRT embraces the principle of color blindness.’

In a recent study, “A House Divided? What Americans Really Think About Controversial Topics in Schools,” researchers at the University of Southern California concluded that “despite the noisy debate around [critical race theory] . . . we found broad agreement on certain racial beliefs, especially that our goal as a society should be that all people should be treated the same without regard to the color of their skin.”

The USC survey revealed even more. Most Americans know little about the tenets of CRT. The largest source of public confusion is the mistaken belief that CRT embraces the principle of color blindness. Nine out of ten Americans told the USC survey team that they favor treating all Americans equally without regard to race, yet 84 percent also mistakenly said that CRT proponents embrace this same color-blind ethos.

Continue reading the entire piece here at The Wall Street Journal (paywall)


Michael T. Hartney is a faculty member in the department of political science at Boston College and an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Max Eden is a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Adapted from City Journal.

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