Millennials Are On Track To Drive A Boom In Housing, And Energy Use
This is the year that the Millennial population surpasses the number of Boomers in America. It’s Gen Y’s turn to become the demographic tsunami working its way through the ecosystem of society, and to become the primary driving force for future energy demand.
But it’s a different time you understand. The iPhone was introduced only in 2007 when half of today’s Millennials were still under 18 years old; Facebook launched in 2004, Twitter in 2006, and Uber in 2009. Google introduced its self-driving car only a few years ago. Boomers meanwhile came of age with touch-tone phones, mainframes, and the automatic transmission.
The prevailing hypothesis among a new class of “peak demand” pundits is that this is the decade of both Peak Car and Peak House. The energy relevance? The purchase of a car or a house represents an individual’s two biggest energy-using decisions.
The peak demand thesis is that Millennials prefer bicycles and mass transit and car-sharing over personal cars, and prefer Bohemian urban apartments and condos, shared or otherwise, over (horrors) the iconic Madmen era suburban home with a yard, fence and two-car garage. If such were the actual future, it would indeed have important energy implications.
But it’s not true.
New data shows that a Millennial car-buying boom has started. And their preferred car is not a Prius or Tesla, but station wagons and SUVs, and for the leading edge income-earners, luxury and sports cars. The energy implications are beyond obvious. (I’ve expanded on this in the Wall Street Journal: We’re a Long Way From ‘Peak Car’.)
When it comes to both cars and houses, recent behavior and surveys show that Millennials hold views rather like Boomers after all. (Of course there are generational differences: see the excellent survey compilation from PEW.) It turns out that the debilitating effect of the Great Recession with a long slow recovery was the primary factor in slowing car and housing sales for everyone including Millennials. A two percentage point increase in economic growth leads to a 20 to 40 percent increase in the number of houses that are built per capita.
Earlier this year, Census data revealed a significant net migration of Millennials is already under way from the city to the suburbs. New surveys show that 66 percent say they plan to live in a single-family suburban home. And in another indicator of how the Millennials blend traditional and tech-savvy behaviors, it appears that while they are more likely to shop online for a home, they are also more likely than Boomers to use an old-fashioned real estate agent.
It should thus be no surprise that home-building giant, Lennar Corporation, just announced a decent (still not boom times) growth in new orders. Imagine what happens when, in due course, Gen Y, which has come of age in the longest recession in modern history, finally experiences robust economic growth.
Suburbanization a priori means more cars per person and more distances traveled to work. But building and operating homes is in itself a separate and surprisingly big energy-consuming activity too.
The buildings where we live, work and vacation consume almost 40 percent of the nation’s energy–about twice that of all the cars on the road.
This single fact explains why so much digital tech and public policy is preoccupied with “smart buildings” to save energy. More on that in a minute.
Before the Great Recession, energy planners worried about the McMansion effect in residential housing, the rush to build bigger and bigger homes. That worry certainly evaporated and may now seem quaint in the wake of the housing bust. But you can bet it will be back yet as a primo problem for the peak demand crowd.
In an era where policymakers and regulators push so hard on automobile fuel efficiency we should expect the resurrection of a pre-Recession idea floated by now retired Rep. Dingell (D-Mich.), then chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee: eliminating the mortgage tax deduction on big, energy-hogging homes, the SUVs of the housing market.
Who knows whether pressure from greens will yet inspire CAFÉ-like energy standards for homes (to replace gold stars for meeting voluntary standards), or tax ‘incentives’ like that suggested by Cong. Dingell. But we can guarantee that the return to economic growth will mean more homes are built. Pre-2007, America saw two million homes built annually, collapsing 70 percent by 2011. With a million home build rate now, the new normal is climbing back to the old normal.
More homes means more energy not just to operate them but also to build them. The energy implications can be illuminated taking as a metric the annual fuel used by one SUV, instead of the BTU, an arcane physics unit of energy.
An average-sized American home’s annual energy use is equivalent to driving an SUV for a year. So operating one average home consumes one “SUV.” And it takes 10 SUVs to build an average home–the energy use inherent in the materials from lumber to concrete and wire. When America returns to the normal home build rate, it will mean over 20 million SUVs worth of energy demand, or more if Millennials also follow Boomer patterns for nicer bigger homes.
Until the Recession put a halt to aspirations, the average home size had risen by 30 percent over the previous two decades. Thus even though homes had become more efficient with a one-third drop in energy used per square foot, residential energy demand didn’t go down, it actually rose by a third. We are likely to see that pattern repeated.
Also with more wealthy Millennials, we are likely to also see a resurgence in preferences to buy up to McMansions. (Just look at Silicon Valley.) A single McMansion, bigger by an average of 3,000 more luxurious square feet, consumes 25 SUVs to build and requires two SUVs to operate. (Driving a hybrid to work does little to offset that kind of demand.)
Economic growth also brings more vacation travel and business activity, both of which increase the building sector’s energy use for construction and operations. Here too the two-decade pre-recession trends are predictive.
Commercial buildings became vastly more energy efficient, but overall commercial sector fuel use rose 80 percent in the two decades pre-recession. The reason? It wasn’t from any increase in the average square feet allocated per worker, which hasn’t changed in decades, but from the proliferation of so many new kinds of energy-hungry things, mainly computers and related. (IT energy use is a separate issue I have often addressed, including here and here.)
Now, as America emerges from the depths of the recession and, especially if robust economic growth happens, there is no reason to believe that the future will look much different than the past. We are already seeing that today’s dominant demographic cohort will behave much the same as yesterday’s. One thing though has changed a lot since the Boomers boomed; i.e., technology.
In the past, most technology improvements in building energy use were found in better hardware for cooling, heating, appliances, and lights. The future belongs to software that can optimize and make more convenient and efficient the use of best-of-class hardware. The Googlification and Uberization of buildings is just beginning.
The long-sought building efficiency revolution will now likely, finally, emerge from the confluence of the continued collapse in the cost of embedding logic in all the formerly dumb hardware. Smart buildings really will be better in many ways, including efficiency. But if they emulate the efficiency gains of the past – which will not be easy – we will likely still see the same overall trend in building energy use as in the past. It will rise. And for the same reasons as in the past: human preferences, wealth and demand.
Ironically, many emerging technologies are likely to increase demand for single family homes. As Boomers age they won’t be forced out of their single family homes into apartments, group retirement homes and the like. More of them will be able to continue staying in their houses, and still have immediate access to medical care. How? With the emergence of self-driving cars, body-centric and remote health diagnostics, drone-dispatched medicines, and before long, in-home health care robots. And they will be living longer too because of precision medicine.
So as the Millennials move into suburban homes, they’ll be building next door to the Boomer parents. Net net; more homes and more energy demand.
This piece originally appeared in