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Commentary By Robert VerBruggen

Locked, Loaded, and… Liberal?

Culture Culture & Society

REVIEW: 'Gun Curious: A Liberal Professor's Surprising Journey Inside America's Gun Culture' by David Yamane

David Yamane is, by his own description, a "'card-carrying liberal' Asian American sociology professor from the San Francisco Bay Area who, for the first forty-two years of my life, never saw, touched, or fired a real gun." The first time he saw a deer stand, he remarked to his companion that it seemed like a "weird spot for kids to build a fort."

A lot has changed in less than 15 years. He now owns 13 firearms and has made a career out of studying American gun culture. He brings together his personal story and his academic work—not to mention the basic journalistic practice of getting out and talking to lots of people, from renowned trainers to everyday shooters—in the new book Gun Curious.

Things started to shift for Yamane when he separated from his first wife and moved into an apartment complex. While his children were visiting, he saw a neighbor pleading with her boyfriend not to take her car but was powerless to do anything beyond ask if everything was okay. The next morning, she knocked frantically at his front door, he hid his children before letting her in, and she said the man had "threatened her with a knife and taken her cell phone and car." He urged her to call the police, but later found a report saying she'd stopped cooperating.

Continue reading the entire piece here at The Washington Free Beacon


Robert VerBruggen is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Follow him on Twitter here.

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