It’s Never a Great Morning . . .
. . . when you (almost) agree with Krugman.
He is right about this:
Congress’s new stimulus may not work, then, because we’re still not dealing with the original problem. Too many people still owe too much money, and the nation’s financial institutions haven’t been able to clear out the mess so that we can go on with life.
Here’s another problem: Does anyone think that Congress will be able to hold this “one-year” holiday on a portion of Social Security taxes to just one year if unemployment, come Christmas 2011, is still closer to 10 percent than to 5 percent? Politically, it’s going to be hard for members of either party, ahead of an election, to start taking more cash out of people’s paychecks.
Congress could extend the payroll-tax break for another year — that is, to when the Bush tax cuts re-expire. The payroll-tax holiday, then, would be indefinitely tied to the Bush tax cuts, taking us in the wrong direction on entitlement programs.
This piece originally appeared in National Review Online
This piece originally appeared in National Review Online