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Commentary By Scott Winship

Is The "Decline" In Men's Earnings Behind Marriage's Demise?

Economics, Culture, Culture Culture & Society, Race

Over at Demos's Policyshop blog, Matt Bruenig has a post up on whether the declining economic fortunes of men lower down the earnings distribution is behind the decline in marriage. I'm currently slammed, so I can't give this the attention it deserves. My sense is that Bruenig is a straight-shooting guy, and I have a warm, nerdy place in my heart for anyone whose arguments involve heavy use of personally-crunched data. (Even when they set up conservative straw-men leading up to the data analysis!) But I want to poke a crater in his estimates suggesting that men's earnings at the bottom have deteriorated dramatically.

Like many progressive accounts of household income or male earnings or wages, Bruenig's numbers tell a much-too-negative story. He has made one indefensible methodological choice and failed to provide some key context in a few other places. Bruenig reports figures from the Current Population Survey showing that earnings for men ages 25 to 64 fell a lot between 1967 and 2013 in the bottom half of the earnings distribution. For men at the tenth percentile–that is, with earnings lower than 90 percent of men–earnings fell 33 percent between 1969 and 2013. I don't have exactly comparable figures handy, but I do happen to have a bunch of series from 1969 to 2011, also looking at men ages 25 to 64, but only at the 25th percentile. But they'll do just fine. The series that pretty much exactly mimics Bruenig's shows that from 1969 to 2011, the 25th percentile in this group fell 27 percent. So pretty comparable.

First let's get the indefensible decision out of the way. Anytime you look at income or earnings trends, you have to adjust earlier incomes upward to account for the fact that $1,000 back then bought more than $1,000 today does. Someone with $50,000 in earnings in 1969 was richer than someone with $50,000 in earnings today is. Bruenig has made such an inflation adjustment, but he has done it using a cost-of-living index that greatly overstates inflation over the long run (and is widely known to do so). The “CPI-U” is the index used statutorily and administratively to update government benefits and tax brackets, among other uses. But researchers in and out of government have known for years that it historically overstated increases in the cost of living. The Congressional Budget Office had abandoned it by 1988, the Bureau of Labor Statistics recommended it not be used in a 1990 statement, and the Census Bureau stopped using it in 1992. This is important because if you overstate inflation, you will adjust earlier incomes upward by too much, and you will be more likely to find declines in income over time.

This makes a big difference. In my series, when I use a better, widely-used inflation index–the “CPI-U-RS,” used by the Census Bureau today in its income analyses–instead of falling by 27 percent the 25th percentile falls by 17 percent. When I use a third index–the “PCE deflator”–the drop is just 8 percent.

While the PCE deflator is used less often than the CPI-U-RS, that is largely a function of convention, since even most income analysts know little about the merits of different inflation indices. The PCE deflator is the only index of the three discussed here that fully accounts for consumers' ability to switch between items when their relative prices change. If you ignore this “substitution,” then when the price of one thing goes up, and you assume there's nothing consumers can do but keep buying the same amount they were buying before, then you'll think the cost of living has risen by more than it has. Since in reality consumers can switch from newly expensive apples to cheaper oranges, they're worse off, but not as worse off as they'd be if they couldn't switch.

The CPI-U partially accounts for substitution, but has done so only since 1999, and the CPI-U-RS does so going back to 1978. But neither fully account for it. That's what the “chained CPI” does, but it only goes back to 2000. The PCE deflator fully accounts for substitution (at least tries to) and does so back to 1929. The chained CPI tracks the PCE deflator better than it tracks the other CPI measures. A final reason to prefer the PCE deflator? All of these adjustments likely overstate the increase in the cost of living; the PCE deflator does it the least.

Why did the 25th percentile of male earnings fall 8 percent? One reason might be that less-skilled workers in general saw their pay go down. But another reason might be that the population came to include a rising share of male workers who have low earnings. Say, immigrants. You can't remove immigrants from the CPS numbers going back to the 1960s, but you can remove Hispanics back to 1970. When you do that and continue using the PCE deflator, the decline from 1969 to 2011 goes away. Non-Hispanic men were no worse off in 2011 than in 1969. It's likely that non-immigrant Hispanic men and immigrant Hispanic men were also no worse off, though I don't have any numbers to confirm that.

Next up: if we're going to talk about big secular changes like the deterioration of male job prospects over decades, then you don't want your income trend to reflect the particular years you picked. What you want to do is compare similar points in the business cycle. The year 2011 was only two years from a business-cycle low, while 1969 was a peak. If I compare 1969 to 2007, earnings at the 25th percentile among non-Hispanic men rose 7% instead of being flat.

One other compositional point that is also important: these numbers are only looking at wages and salaries. They exclude fringe benefits, which have become a bigger share of compensation over time. So when you find that earnings grew by 7 percent, compensation grew by more than that, because employers–presumably following the wishes of their workers–have paid more and more of compensation over time in the form of benefits. For the life of me, I'm not sure why I don't have this series. But I don't.

OK, home stretch. You'll notice that all of my adjustments have gone in the direction of making earnings trends look better. For whatever reason, this tends to be the case. (I tend to think it's because people who analyze income generally want to find bad news, but that's another post.) But there are other adjustments you could make that work in the other direction. None of these figures include the incarcerated, for instance, because the Current Population Survey doesn't interview them. Nor do these figures include nonworkers who aren't incarcerated. As an ultra-gloomy way of making an adjustment for their absence, you can assume they would all have earnings below the 25th percentile if they were working. But that would be a bad decision because many of these nonworking men are in school or retired.

Instead, I have computed a series where I add in nonworkers as below-25th-percentile workers if they say in the survey they couldn't find work or if they constitute an increase in disability above the 1969 level (reflecting the rise in disability beneficiaries over time). This is a pretty gloomy adjustment too because some of these nonworkers would actually be above the 25th percentile if they had jobs, and some of the increase in disability over time reflects aging within the broader 25 to 64 population. But when I make this adjustment, the 1969-2007 change among non-Hispanic men is a drop of 4 percent. All of that drop occurred between 1969 and 1979; from 1979 to 2007, the 25th percentile rose 2 percent.

All of this is to say that the widely noted decline in men's fortunes not only has been overstated by Bruenig and most observers and analysts, it doesn't even look true. That makes the argument that the decline in marriage is due to men's “declining” earnings…trickier to defend.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes