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Commentary By Ben Boychuk

Hazy Polling On Riverside's Pot Measure

Public Safety, Governance, Economics Policing, Crime Control, Civil Justice, Tax & Budget

Public opinion is rich with ironies and contradictions. We're a people who detest Congress, but love our congressman. We think public education is a catastrophe, but our kids' elementary school is pretty darn good.

And depending on how a pollster frames a question, a voter could disapprove of a policy proposal, but approve of the same idea with a different word or two – in the very same poll.

So it appears to be the case with a Riverside ballot measure to legalize a limited number of medical marijuana dispensaries within city limits. The Riverside Medical Marijuana Restriction and Limitation Act – a clever name for an initiative that would in fact loosen restrictions and limitations – would allow up to 10 dispensaries to open in certain locations around the city, away from residential neighborhoods, parks and schools. It would also permit home deliveries.

Riverside has banned medical pot dispensaries within city limits since 2013 and used local zoning rules to shut down dozens of illegal operators and block new dispensaries from opening for nearly a decade. The city, in fact, has spent more than $800,000 since 2007 to vindicate its zoning powers in court.

It's no surprise, then, that city officials oppose the measure. The city powers-that-be are so opposed, in fact, that they sued unsuccessfully to keep the measure off the June 2 mail-in ballot.

You needn't be a fan of California's initiative process – I'm certainly not – to wrinkle your nose a bit at the city's move. Riverside Safe Access gathered enough signatures to qualify for the ballot. Such are the perils of direct democracy.

Now that the campaign is beginning in earnest, Riverside officials hope to persuade voters that approving dispensaries is a bad idea. To that end, the city of Riverside commissioned a poll of 400 likely voters to find out where they stand on the question.

The poll is a delight. A majority of respondents oppose the measure, with 46 percent saying they're a definite no vote. Another 8 percent say they'll probably vote no, and 2 percent say they aren't sure but lean toward no. The total yes votes add up to 40 percent, with 27 percent of likely voters supporting the measure. And yet, when asked whether marijuana should be taxed, regulated and legalized for adults living in the city, 50 percent say yes, 46 percent say no, and 4 percent are up in the air.

Notice the change? A single adjective – “medical” – makes a difference.

I asked Riverside city spokesman Phil Pitchford about the wording discrepancy. Although the poll was designed to gauge voters' opinion on the ballot measure's specifics, he told me the decision to drop “medical” from that question was intentional.

Turns out, residents are skeptical of dispensaries operating in their city, but they wouldn't necessarily object to marijuana being legal if regulated.

That shouldn't come as much of a surprise. For good or for ill, the tide of public opinion on marijuana is gradually turning. A plurality of likely voters – 49 percent to 47 percent – favor legalization in the Golden State, according to a Public Policy Institute of California poll published around this time last year.

And last week, the General Social Survey, which is widely regarded as the top of the top-tier of polling research, found that for the first time a slight majority of Americans – 52 percent – favor legalization. That's up nine points from the last survey published in 2012.

Now for some qualification: Support for legalization efforts falls well within the margin of error on these surveys. And even though legalization has had some success around the country, Californians remain of two minds on the question.

Medical marijuana for cancer and AIDS patients? Sure. Californians enthusiastically approved marijuana for medicinal use in 1996. But a green cross down the street? No thanks.

When it comes to legalization with taxes and regulations, it's worth recalling again that Californians rejected a measure to do precisely that in 2010. They may have another chance to consider the question next year. And don't forget that whatever Californians may think of the virtues of cannabis, the feds still consider it a Schedule I controlled substance that serves no medical purpose. For the moment anyway.

Truth is, we like the idea of medical marijuana and general legalization in theory. But when it comes to the practice, we have serious reservations. The campaign to overturn Riverside's dispensary ban will be one more indicator of precisely where California is headed.

This piece originally appeared in Riverside Press Enterprise

This piece originally appeared in Riverside Press Enterprise