Did The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Really Do Anything Wrong?
The following scenario might not seem, at first, to be cause for criticism in a strongly-worded New York Times op-ed. A breakthrough drug is developed and marketed for a dread, debilitating disease. A substantial portion of the profit from its sale will go to a charitable foundation—which, by law, can only use those profits for charitable purposes. The drug's price is high—but the manufacturer pledges to make it available to anyone suffering from the illness who lacks insurance with an income under $150,000. Yet all of the above applies to the development of the new drug Kaydeco, developed by Boston-based Vertex Pharmaceuticals—thanks, in key part, to an investment in the firm, begun 15 years ago, by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The drug, which notably slows the decline in lung function among those suffering from that disease, is considered the first treatment which addresses the underlying genetic causes of the condition, which affects at least 70,000 people worldwide, including 30,000 people in the U.S. The investment paid off handsomely for the CF Foundation; its $150 million investment will, it was announced this past November, lead it to realize some $3.3 billion through the sale of its royalty rights—prompting the head of the CF Foundation to describe the deal as “transformational. . . for people with cystic fibrosis and their families . It gives us an amazing opportunity to accelerate the research we've already started.”
Yet in a New York Times op-ed last week, journalist Llewelyn Hinkes-Jones, outraged by the drug's $300,000 annual price tag, denounced the arrangement between the Foundation and Vertex as “subsidizing Big Pharma” to the detriment of overall medical research. Hinkes-Jones' concern is two-fold. He questions the use of tax-deductible contributions to the CF Foundation making their way to a for-profit firm—and questions that firm's use of those dollars to develop a new drug based, in part, on research that had been publicly-funded, through federal grants to academic institutions. Moreover, Hinkes-Jones is concerned that private philanthropy is making use of its tax-advantaged situation to direct medical research, in this case, focusing on a rare disease instead of “more common afflictions”. Better, in his view, for priorities to be set by “publicly-funded institutions” not “anonymous philanthropists”. His overall solution: “the profit motive needs to be removed” from drug development, in favor of government development of generics.
There's a great deal wrong here, not with the role of the CF Foundation but with Hinkes-Jones' critique—as it applies not just to the biomedical industry but to the role of American philanthropy broadly.
First, it ignores the fact that, historically, government has funded basic research which lays the groundwork for drug development—but has had neither the funds nor the capacity to itself develop and market new drugs. Indeed, a significant portion of applied research toward new drug development has historically been private, as the 2008 Manhattan Institute paper, “The Truth About Drug Innovation”, co-authored by two researchers from the Tufts University Center for Drug Development, and Institute Fellow Benjamin Zycher, pointed out:
“. . .among. . . thirty-five drugs and drug classes, private-sector research was responsible for central advances in basic science for seven, in applied science for thirty-four, and in the development of drugs yielding improved clinical performance or manufacturing processes for twenty-eight. In short, all or almost all of the drugs and drug classes examined in this study would not have been developed—or their development would have been delayed significantly—in the absence of the scientific or technical contributions of the pharmaceutical firms.”
It's no wonder that the CF Foundation deal with Vertex was praised as “a dramatic example of risk-taking that has paid off in a remarkable way””, by Francis Collins, himself the director of the National Instiututes of Health and co-discoverer of the gene variation responsible for cystic fibrosis.
If Hinkes-Jones' underlying complaint is, as it seems to be, about prices and profits, it's worth keeping in mind not only that the pharmaceutical industry drills no small number of costly drug holes—but that that, after patent-based protections expire (a period of just 7 years in the case of so-called “orphan drugs” affecting rare diseases”), drugs do, indeed, by law, “go generic”. In the meantime, one cannot but wonder about the avoided costs of lung transplants and other expensive interventions for children suffering from cystic fibrosis—which the Vertex treatment, costly as it is, reduces. Nor can one be sure what collateral benefits might result from the development of Kaydeco—just as thalidomide, infamous for causing birth defects after being prescribed to reduce nausea and insomnia, turned out, decades later, to benefit AIDS victims.
But Hinkes-Jones broadest complaint is, at bottom, one about democracy and the role of philanthropy in it. When he decries the “privatization” of medical research, he's questioning the appropriateness of the influence of private philanthropy, generally, in organizing resources to solve problems, whether scientific or social. As I've written in Philanthropy Under Fire, this is a view based in the wrong-headed belief that the tax deduction for charitable giving amounts to a public subsidy—by diverting funds that would otherwise have gone to the government. But that view ignores the fact that philanthropy, from Andrew Carnegie's support for public libraries to the Ford Foundation's “green revolution” in agriculture and Eli Broad's support for biological research, has historically been a source of imaginative approaches that complement public spending which is far more likely to be directed to the more conventional. Philanthropic capital—like that of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation—can be considered a sort of national venture fund—for dreamers and dissenters.
Ironically, the Times' op-ed complaint about foundation investments in for-profit firms comes at a time when doing so has become a cutting-edge approach adopted at a wide range of leading philanthropic institutions, including the Gates and Rockefeller foundations. So-called “impact investing” is predicated on the idea that philanthropic dollars—including those in endowments which historically were directed to conservative financial vehicles– can have more impact by investing in for-profit firms in ways consistent with a foundation's substantive mission. The focus of such investing has typically been on the so-called “triple bottom line”—investments which earn a profit while aiding the environment and employing those of low income. The experience of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation should remind those promoting the “impact investment “approach to the management of philanthropic dollars, that there are many ways to serve the public interest—and some might even involve “big pharma”.
This piece originally appeared in Forbes
This piece originally appeared in Forbes