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Commentary By Daniel Di Martino

Chileans Must Reject Proposed Socialist Constitution

It reads like a longer, more woke, and even more socialist version of Venezuela’s.

Chileans are headed to the polls in September for what will be the most important election of their lifetime. They will vote on whether to adopt or reject a proposed constitution written by a socialist-controlled assembly. The document, consisting of 388 articles, would create an unequal justice system and grant more rights for those who claim indigenous ancestry. It would effectively end private health care and education, and it would allow the congress to confiscate Chileans’ pension savings.

Continue reading the entire piece here at National Review Online


Daniel Di Martino is a grduate fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a Ph.D. student in economics at Columbia University, and the founder of the Dissident Project, a speakers’ bureau for young immigrants from socialist countries.

This piece originally appeared in National Review Online