Bill de Blasio Is a Climate Change Hypocrite
President Trump has pulled out of the Paris climate accord, and Mayor de Blasio is sad.
“This decision is an immoral assault on . . . everyone on this planet,” de Blasio said Thursday. But how can the mayor expect other people to change their behavior drastically when he won’t change his in the simplest of ways?
The Paris accord, agreed to under President Barack Obama, was the strange byproduct of two impossible goals: We want people to use less carbon, but we don’t want to inconvenience our consumers (read: voters). So the agreement allowed China, for example, to continue increasing its carbon emissions until 2030, to avoid disrupting the global economy that sends cheap goods to the West.
Trump’s critics argue that China’s carbon emissions may have already peaked. Perhaps — although the leveling-off may point to an economic-growth slump.
Either way, this possibility doesn’t bolster the idea that we can painlessly achieve a reduction in carbon emissions through a global agreement. If China is cutting emissions, it’s not because Beijing cares about the planet, but because Chinese people are getting fed up with breathing in coal dust.
As China tightens up environmental regulations....
Read the entire piece here at the New York Post
Nicole Gelinas is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor at City Journal. Follow her on Twitter here.
This piece originally appeared in New York Post