From Harvard to a Virginia high school, courts take up racial preferences’ harm to this minority population.
Despite all the happy talk on the left about the benefits of diversity, America’s real strength has been its ability to transcend problems that have crippled other multiethnic, multireligious and multilingual societies. We’re at our best when the focus is on what unites us as Americans. And what seems to be uniting a growing number of Americans today is opposition to a Democratic equity agenda that effectively plays racial and ethnic groups against one another.
The Supreme Court is poised to strike a blow for colorblind college admissions later this year when it considers a case involving alleged anti-Asian discrimination at Harvard. But the fight continues at the K-12 level as well. Two years ago, the school board in Fairfax County, Va., altered the admissions standards at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, one of the top-ranked public schools in the country. Among other things, standardized testing requirements were eliminated, and subjective admission criteria were added in an effort to deny slots to Asian-Americans and boost enrollment among blacks and Hispanics.
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Jason L. Riley is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a columnist at The Wall Street Journal, and a Fox News commentator. He is the author of the forthcoming book “The Black Boom.”
This piece originally appeared in The Wall Street Journal