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Commentary By Mark P. Mills

America's Shale Fields Offer A Chance For A New Oil Doctrine To "Reset" Geopolitics

The United States may be the only major oil-producing nation where the domestic politics of petroleum production appear almost entirely divorced from its international interests.

Iran’s foreign minister has been nothing if not clear about what his country wants out of the current nuclear negotiations with the U.S. — an immediate end to all sanctions on Iranian trade. Oil is the only thing of significance Iran has to sell to the world. (In some far-off future Iran may have things like computers or aircraft, or cars or machines to sell to the world, but not today.)

Without regard to how leaky the sanctions have been thus far (see the Wall Street Journal coverage of the ‘stealth’ Iranian oil tankers in plain sight), they have likely cost Iran north of $100 billion in lost revenues.

Every time events lead analysts to conclude that Iran, Iraq, or Libya, or Saudi Arabia, may increase or decrease oil exports, prices promptly move accordingly. And saber rattling, never mind actual conflict, on the seas bounding the Middle East also moves markets, political calculations, and often the U.S. Naval fleet.

Oil has been at the epicenter of the geopolitics of the Middle East for longer than the living memory of most people on earth today.

The reason is found in both supply and demand realities. On the supply-side is the widely known fact that nearly one-third of world oil exports still flow from the Middle East. And the key fact on the demand-side: the world needs a lot of oil, and it will need it for the foreseeable future.

The single most inconvenient truth about energy geopolitics is that if oil didn’t exist, we’d have to invent it. It is a uniquely dense fuel with just the right combination of transportability, storability, safety and cost, and thus vital for transportation everywhere.

The developed nations have collectively spent hundreds of billions of dollars trying to invent a way around this fact in the chimerical pursuit of a cost-effective replacement for petroleum at the scale the world needs. But whether using grains, palm oil, algae scum or switch grass, nothing comes close. Whatever successes there have been and are yet hoped for, they are globally de minimis. Petroleum still powers 97 percent of air and ground miles. Every sensible forecast shows that the world’s staggering 33 billion barrel per year appetite for crude will be greater in the coming decades, not less.

Thus the single biggest disruption in oil geopolitics would be any significant change in the current, and expected, balance of power around who sells oil to the world.

American entrepreneurs have invented a new way to produce oil at a world-moving scale—literally manufacturing it from shale rock. But the U.S. geopolitical machinery has yet to absorb, much less take full advantage of the fact that the America now has the opportunity to “reset” oil trade.

When it comes to trade, the sine qua non is not “independence” but influence.

The U.S. now has the ability to position itself not only to influence but, in due course, to even dominate oil markets. America is already the world’s fastest growing source of oil (and natural gas) and the world’s largest producer of liquid hydrocarbons.

To have impact, the U.S. does not need to become a net exporter (even though that is something within sight now). That America has the kind of operational surpluses that make overseas sales not just feasible but logical is now obvious. The current flap over the record levels of oil piling up in domestic storage tanks is a direct consequence of American companies producing so much petroleum—oil they are banned from selling offshore.

The mere act of announcing a new doctrine for American oil policy would transform the realpolitik of oil. An announcement would not require much specificity at first, but merely a new direction, to wit: henceforth, the United States will realign its energy policies around selling petroleum into world markets.

Of course, amongst numerous other factors, the central political act needed to lend credence to such a posture would be a prompt suspension of the nearly half-century old prohibition for American companies to sell crude oil into international markets.

Given the unraveling of the Middle East, if ever there were a propitious moment to reset American oil doctrine, it is now.

But there is substantial political resistance for a new export-oriented oil doctrine. The objections fall mainly into three buckets.

First there is gasoline price-o-phobia. Politicians don’t get credit when prices at the pump drop but they sure fear the backlash of the inverse, especially if it were to happen in the wake of a vote to rescind the crude export ban. However, gasoline prices are fundamentally tied to global events. What’s more, U.S. refineries are themselves (legally) exporting gasoline made from American crude, which of course directly ties what you put into your tank to world prices.

Second, heel-dragging comes from a persistent notion that America’s hydrocarbons are somehow uniquely precious, so rare in fact that, unlike any other commodity, the U.S. government should not allow American crude oil to be sold to other nations. It’s apparently OK though, that American companies are have long been allowed to sell gasoline and diesel oil to other nations. Imagine holding other manufacturing (or agricultural) entities to such an illogical standard. In any case, if the sheer speed of the growth in U.S. oil production were not sufficient proof of domestic abundance, a check with geophysicists would confirm the functionally unlimited magnitude of the underlying shale resources.

The third trope is entangled with the notion that the expanding digital economy somehow portends a post-oil world. In this worldview, why consume political capital for a sunset industry? The irony is that these new technologies will boost global wealth leading to greater use of everything, especially airplanes and automobiles. Predictions show at least 3,000 trillion more air-miles and at least as many more road-miles will be ‘consumed’ over the next two decades. All those air miles will be propelled by oil, and even in the most optimistic electric vehicle scenario, so will the majority of ground miles.

It would be to America’s strategic, as well as economic advantage, to be amongst the few preferred suppliers of all those vital hydrocarbons.

This piece originally appeared in Forbes

This piece originally appeared in Forbes