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Commentary By Theodore Dalrymple

A Very Innocent Man

Governance Supreme Court

Donald Trump is innocent squared. He never does, or is, anything by halves

After Donald Trump was found guilty on 34 charges, he said that he was “a very innocent man”: not just innocent, mind you, but very innocent. Ordinary people who do not do what they are accused of having done, by contrast, are only innocent; Donald Trump is innocent squared, as it were. He never does, or is, anything by halves. 

I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone claim to be very innocent before; while to say of someone that he is very innocent is not necessarily complimentary, suggesting naivety — not what the former president is best known for. 

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Theodore Dalrymple is a contributing editor of City Journal and a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

Photo by Steven Hirsch-Pool/Getty Images