The United States, its Western allies, and all freedom-minded groups face the decades-old yet ongoing threat of terror in the name of Islam. Soil once considered safe seems so no longer, as this year has been marred by attacks at home, across the Middle East, and beyond. With the new presidential administration assuming authority, many Americans and friends of liberty abroad remain unsure of America's foreign policy direction. How can the rise of ISIS be curtailed? What is the United States' role in that effort? And how can we best prevent stateside terrorist attacks?
On Wednesday, January 11th, to answer these questions and more, the Manhattan Institute (MI) and Young Leaders' Circle (YLC) are pleased to welcome Ambassador Mark Wallace, CEO of the Counter Extremist Project (CEP), for a conversation with MI's executive vice president, Vanessa Mendoza.
An attorney by trade, Ambassador Wallace served previously as United States Ambassador to the United Nations and Representative for U.N. Management and Reform. While at the U.S. Mission to the U.N., he was the lead U.S. negotiator to the world body on matters relating to reform and budget. Wallace also led U.S. oversight of cases involving U.N. mismanagement, fraud, and abuse. Upon his departure from the U.S. State Department, the Wall Street Journal editorial board added Ambassador Wallace to a list of "distinguished" Americans—which includes the likes of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Jeane Kirkpatrick, and John Bolton—who tried to make the United Nations live up to its original ideals. During the 2004 Presidential campaign, Ambassador Wallace served as President George W. Bush's Deputy Campaign Manager. In 2008, he served as Senior Advisor to Senator John S. McCain.