"You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato": A Right-Left Conversation About Immigrant Integration and Assimilation
America is a nation of immigrants. Today, as we welcome the largest influx of newcomers since the turn of the 20th century, we again face the question of how best to incorporate them and their families into the American social fabric. There is broad consensus that taking effective and vigorous steps to include them is crucial if America is to remain a vibrant and successful nation. The question is how. How has the nation handled immigrant absorption in the past? What are the best means at our disposal today? What is likely to be the most effective strategy?
9:00 AM | INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Tamar Jacoby, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute KEYNOTE ADDRESS The Honorable Henry G. Cisneros, Chairman, CityView |
10:00 AM | PANEL DISCUSSION Philip Kasinitz, Professor of Sociology, Graduate Center and Hunter College, City University of New York Noah Pickus, Director, Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University Margie McHugh, Co-Director, National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy John Fonte, Senior Fellow and Director, Center for American Common Culture, Hudson Institute |