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Vouchers, Charters, Choice: A Conversation about Education Policy

Tuesday March 2005


Jay Greene, Ph.D. Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute
Henry M. Levin Professor of Economics and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University

On Tuesday, March 15 for “Vouchers, Charters, Choice: A Conversation about Education Policy.” The forum features our Senior Fellow Jay Greene and Professor Henry M. Levin, Professor of Economics and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.

Dr. Greene and Dr. Levin discussed a number of important questions about school choice. How does increasing educational choice, for instance, affect academic achievement for students who choose? How does increasing educational choice affect the achievement of those who remain in traditional public schools? How does increasing educational choice affect racial and class integration, the teaching of tolerance and other democratic values, and civic participation?

The forum was held at the Jewish Theological Seminary, as part of the Louis Finkelstein Institute Program.

This was an enlightening discussion, showcasing one of the Manhattan Institute’s intellectual stars. Dr. Greene was recently profiled in Education Week (“The Greene Machine,” October 13, 2004).
