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The Right Prescription for Medicare Drug Coverage

Monday February 2003

The Bush Administration has pledged to provide prescription drug coverage as part of comprehensive Medicare reform. Since medications are increasingly important to controlling total health care spending, improving wellbeing, and extending life, efforts to improve Medicare should be evaluated in terms of how well drugs, particularly new products, are made available to seniors. The President is proposing that private sector companies integrate drug coverage as part of a health plan. Others want Medicare to directly deliver a drug benefit. Which approach will help seniors and improve Medicare the most? This conference provides answers to this question.

Introduction and Welcome:
Robert M. Goldberg, PhD, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute, and Director, Center for Medical Progress

Panel 1: Problems With Current Medicare Drug Proposals
Susan Horn, PhD, Senior Scientist, Institute for Clinical Outcomes Research
John R. Graham, Pharmaceutical Policy Program, Fraser Institute, Vancouver, BC
Ralph Hawkins, MD, St. Thomas Medical Group, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Tennessee

Panel 2: Drug Coverage for Seniors: A Look at the President's Plan
Grace Marie Turner, President, Galen Institute
Robert M. Goldberg, PhD, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute, and Director, Center for Medical Progress
Ron Pollack, Executive Director, Families USA
