Beginning in the mid-90s, New York has experienced a unique resurgence as an urban center. From the massive fall in the crime rate, to unprecedented economic growth and the decline in the welfare rolls, enormous strides have been made in almost every important aspect of the City. The most notable exception to this trend, however, has been in education. The tragic condition of the public school system in New York City has proved incredibly resistant to potential solutions, and continues to be among the most significant challenges facing the city. The central questions remain the same as they were at the beginning of the last decade: How well are we educating are children? What is there we can do to improve?
Starting in 1998, the Center for Civic Innovation at the Manhattan Institute has attempted to produce regular assessments of the effectiveness of the City’s public school system in educating its students. The latest such report, authored by Raymond Domanico, reviews the most recent data available on the system’s performance, and identifies the areas in which the greatest strides have been made and those in which there remains the most room for improvement.
Mr. Domanico is Senior Education Advisor to the Metro NY Industrial Areas Foundation and has twenty years of experience in educational research, advocacy and evaluation. He will be presenting the findings of his report and taking questions about their implications. He will also share his insights into what kind of reforms could help the public school system improve its efforts to educate New York’s children.”