Ranking America’s Top Metros: Who Tops the List of Economic Powerhouses, And Why
Introduction: Michael Allegretti, Vice President of Programs, Manhattan Institute
In a slow, uneven economic recovery, some cities have managed not only to survive, but even to thrive. Their stories, along with those of the not-so-successful, are the subject of the latest national study by the Manhattan Institute’s Center for State & Local Leadership. In the report, co-authors Tom Gray and Robert Scardamalia shed light on why certain American cities are flourishing while others are floundering, identifying the leaders and the laggards as measured by growth in economic output (GDP), personal income, and jobs. This expansive report ranks America’s 100 largest metros, answering such important questions as what factors may be spurring growth or holding it back; what are the industries that lead to success; where are tax policies most and least friendly to business; and which cities depend most and leaston government for jobs and income. Join us for a stimulating lunchtime discussion, where we will unveil the rankings and learn what the future looks like for America’s cities.