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New Institutional Forms in Higher Education

Thursday February 2009

There is wide agreement that higher education makes an important contribution to American life and to the vitality of our economy. Our colleges and universities educate millions of young people while at the same time nurturing pockets of creativity and invention. Is the American university, which took shape a century ago, structured to meet the challenges of a 21st century global economy? How should we assess new developments in higher education? Are there innovations on the horizon that may challenge the dominance of our established institutions? What can history tell us about what new forms of education are likely to emerge? We will address these questions by looking back at the evolution of the modern university, beginning with its European roots in the 13th century, and by examining current trends in higher education as a basis for looking into the future.


9:00 AM Registration
9:30 AM Panel I: History of Higher Education and Its Contemporary Implications
Charles Harper, Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Strategist, Templeton Foundation
James W. Ceaser, Professor of Politics, University of Virginia
Anthony T. Kronman, Sterling Professor of Law, Yale University
Moderator: James Piereson, President, William E. Simon Foundation
10:40 AM Break
10:45 AM The University Of The Future
Michael Crow, President, Arizona State University
Charles Murray, W. H. Brady Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Carol D'Amico, President & CEO, Conexus Indiana; former Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education
Moderator: John Leo, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; Editor,
12:00 PM Reception
12:30 PM Luncheon
1:00 PM Luncheon Keynote: David Gelernter, Professor, Yale University; National Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

