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Killer Apps: Digital Technology for Civil Defense

Thursday November 2001


Peter W. Huber Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute

How will Gotham track and screen 4 million letters, 3 million people, half a million motor vehicles and their contents, and half a million parcels every day? Please join us to hear Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Peter Huber map out the new frontier in civil defense.

Peter is a founding member of the Digital Power Group in Washington, D.C. and co-author of the Huber Mills Digital Power Report, a Gilder Publishing investment newsletter. In addition, he is a Forbes magazine columnist and the author of Liability: The Legal Revolution and Its Consequences (1988); Galileo’s Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom (1991); and with Kenneth Foster, Judging Science: Scientific Knowledge and the Federal Courts (1997). He is a frequent contributor to The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, and other prominent newspapers and magazines.
