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Class Actions/Aggregations in Magnet Courts; The Empirical Evidence

Monday June 2002
8:15 to 8:30 A.M. Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 to 8:45 A.M. Welcoming Remarks
JUDYTH PENDELL, Director, Center for Legal Policy at The Manhattan Institute
JAMES WOOTTON, President, Institute for Legal Reform at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
8:45 to 9:00 A.M. State Class Actions: A State by State Report Card
JAMES WOOTTON, President, Institute for Legal Reform at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
9:00 to 9:30 A.M. Justified Fear of County Courts? Class Actions and Mass Actions in Illinois and Mississippi (Preliminary Findings)
JOHN H. BEISNER, O’Melveny & Myers LLP
9:30 to 10:00 A.M. Anatomy of a Madison County (IL) Class Action: A Study of Pathology
LESTER BRICKMAN, Professor of Law, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
10:00 to 10:30 A.M. Economic Impact of Class Actions
GEORGE PRIEST, John M. Olin Professor of Law & Economics, Yale Law School
10:30 to 11:00 A.M. At What Point Does Aggregating Plaintiffs Outweigh Due Process?
BERT REIN, Wiley Rein & Fielding
11:00 to 11:15 A.M. Break
11:15 to 12:15 P.M. Panel Response and Q & A (confirmed panelists to date)
JEFFREY GREENBAUM, Sills Cummis Radin Tischman Epstein & Gross, American Bar Association
CHARLES E.M. KOLB, President, Committee for Economic Development
HON. STEPHEN MARKMAN, Justice, Michigan Supreme Court
EDWARD PICKLE, Associate General Counsel of Government Affairs, Shell Oil Company
12:30 to 2:00 P.M. Lunch & Speaker (TBA)
