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Event Education Pre K-12

Are NYC Charter Schools Doing All They Can To Serve the Neediest Students?

Thursday March 2015

Opening: Marcus Winters, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute

Panelists: Seth Andrew, Founder, Democracy Prep Public Schools and Democracy Builders; James Merriman, President, New York City Charter School Center; Ian Rowe, Chief Executive Officer, Public Prep; Marcus Winters, Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute

Moderator: Josh Greenman, Opinion Editor, Daily News

New York City’s 197 charter schools are now educating 83,000 students. Most charters are performing better than their district counterparts, but charter opponents claim that charters “push out” students who don’t perform well on state exams. A new Manhattan Institute study by senior fellow Marcus Winters uses NYC student-level data, over six years, to examine whether there is empirical evidence to support this assertion. This study is the third in a series; Winters’s two previous reports examined the extent to which New York City charters are serving students with special needs and English Language Learners.

