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Commentary By Jason L. Riley

Biden and Harris Work to Crush School Competition

Education, Governance Pre K-12

He’s more opposed to charter schools than any previous president, and she’d likely be as bad.

“I am not a charter-school fan,” Joe Biden said when he ran for president in 2020. That was quite an understatement, it turns out. The final school year of this administration has begun, and Mr. Biden is easily the most anticharter president in American history.

Other Democratic presidents have opposed vouchers and other forms of school choice but joined Republicans and education reformers to embrace public charter schools as an alternative to underperforming traditional public schools. Not Mr. Biden. His budget proposal released earlier this year would cut funding for the Charter Schools Program, which has provided federal grants to nearly half of the nation’s charter schools. The program was started under Bill Clinton and expanded under Barack Obama.

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Jason L. Riley is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a columnist at The Wall Street Journal, and a Fox News commentator. Follow him on Twitter here.

Photo by Marilyn Nieves/Getty Images