The horrific murders Yao Pan Ma, Michelle Alyssa Go and Christina Yuna Lee have one thing in common that has been overshadowed amid an overall rise in crime: They were all New Yorkers.
Last Sunday, right in Chinatown, a young Asian woman named Christina Yuna Lee was followed home and stabbed to death. Weeks earlier, Michelle Alyssa Go, also Asian, was deliberately pushed into a subway train and killed. Before that, Yao Pan Ma, an Asian man, died months after being stomped on while collecting cans.
Once again, politicians expressed sad sentiments and denounced Asian hate. Posts against Asian hate flooded social media.
There are clear cases of Asian hate, which all people of good conscience actively oppose. And while Ma’s killer was charged with a hate crime, these three murders should terrify New Yorkers of every race. Because these victims could have been anyone.
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Wai Wah Chin is the founding president of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York.
This piece originally appeared in New York Post